Sunday, May 1, 2011

It Really Is A Magical Kingdom!

I love Disney World! LOVE IT! Maybe because I still act like a child and watch cartoons all the time. No matter how old I am now, being a "big" kid at Disney World is still fun! I get to ride all the rides with the kids who's parents don't want to ride. It's changed a bit since I was a kid, but it's just as fun. Rides...good! Cartoon characters...good! Food...expensive, but good! Variety of people...uh...good and bad! Here's a few of my favorite characters and the infamous castle!

(Above) Mickey was getting his "groove" on during the parade! I think he was doing the robot! I pushed and knocked down little kids to get this shot and it was worth it. HA HA...not really.
(Above) Of course it's Minnie!

(Above) Goofy was totally checking out Minnie! Wonder if Mickey knows about this?

(Above) "Toy Story"- Woody and Jesse

(Below) The castle was constantly changing colors. I went "behind the scenes"to get these shots! Behind the scenes is the Employees Only entrances. I guess they assumed I was a character all my own and didn't question my being there!

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