Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Action Sports-Water Skiing

As most of you are aware by now, we are in the Fall season! I love this time of year. So many colors popping out in tree leaves, the cool brisk air, and in some places already, the first snow. As the weather starts to get colder, I occasionally long for the warmth of summer and the shinning of the sun. ( I don't like going to work and coming home from work in the dark!) Before the season turns to Winter, I just wanted to take a look back at some water skiing pics I took this summer of some good friends. The guy in the pics is a long time family friend I call "Big Rob." My brother and he share the same name, so to help clarify who we were talking about, we called our friend "big" since my brother was just a scrawny boy. His daughters inherited his sports gene and are out-going with athletics. I captured a few pics of his oldest girl, who is a joy to shoot because she is constantly smiling!! Enjoy!

(Ab0ve) Big Rob catching some air on the wakeboard.

Most of these shots were taken in the wee hours of the morn. I am not a morning person! I like my sleep and this morning was especially hard because we had been skiing the day before and got home late and then woke up extra early to get these awesome pics. It was so worth the loss of sleep to experience this morning. Of course we dropped anchor around 7AM and took a nap!

(Below) I caught her about to sneeze...I missed her wipeout due to her sneeze!

(Below) Taylor! She still looks natural after boarding for several minutes! I wish I had her stamina to board that long. Heck, I'd just like to get up on the wakeboard!

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