Wednesday, April 27, 2011

It's A Bird! It's A Plane! It' really is a plane!

As a person that works in the agriculture world, I get to participate in some truly awesome opportunities that most people might not ever experience. This one experience was done last year at a crop duster landing field. Several crop planes were testing out their equipment before the season began. The testing was to see the accuracy of the plane to lay down chemical on crop lands. Plane speed, wind speed, and plane height from the crop are all very important factors when applying chemical by plane.

(Below) The pink spray coming out was water and a red dye.
When I was younger, I remember being woken up by crop dusters spraying a field near my house. It was always early, but I loved getting up to watch them swoop down and come back up after spraying. I still get excited when I hear a crop duster to fly by! In fact, my mom laughed at me the other day when I went to their house and heard the plane. I stopped in mid sentence during our conversation to run outside and stare, open-mouthed to watch the crop duster.

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