My nephew, again! He is such fun to photograph. He has such a quarky personality that shows immediately when he smiles. Beware parents of this little guy when he gets to be dating age...heartbreaker! Now, being the good aunt I am, I show only happy baby pictures of him! Frankly, I don't want to scare off anyone with his non-happy baby pictures. His terrible two's are starting now! I laugh when my brother calls and tells me "little Lucifer" is about to burn the house down with his tantrums. For some reason, my brother doesn't see the humor that I see. JB has such mood swings! He can be running around the couch and laughing and then all of a sudden, he stops in mid run, pouts his lips, and proceeds to thrust his body onto the cold tile and scream like he's being beaten with a wooden board with a nail sticking out. After his scream session, he gets up and continues to laugh and play! Crazy baby, but I love him.