Thursday, July 28, 2011


They said momma's shouldn't let their babies to grow up to be cowboys, but lets get serious, who doesn't want to be a cowboy/cowgirl and ride a horse? I know I do! Being that I'm from a cowboy kinda town, my family and I have friends that are cowboys. Every May, my brother looks forward to being a cowboy for a weekend and helps to brand cattle with one of his buddies that has a ranch. This year, he took my nephew out to ride a horse for the first time. My sister-in-law and I tagged along. These are some of my favorite pictures I've taken and I hope you enjoy them as much I enjoyed taking them.

(Above) My brother Roby

(Above) Roby holding his son, Jacoby. He wouldn't let go of his puffs!

The pictures below are of our good friend Chris. He's been a cowboy for as long as I've known him, which is well over 20 yrs. (And wow, that statement just made me feel old..sigh)

The End!

(Get it? The backside of the horse..the end? Oh boy, I crack myself up sometimes.)